v1.4.0: August updates 🌈

v1.4.0: August updates 🌈

You found it! The place where the changes are logged! Congrats!

🥳 Before we begin, a round of applause for our newest contributors who've joined forces to shape the future of B2B integrations with us.

Newest contributors on Revert

This month we’re coming at you live and direct with a fistful of quality-of-life improvements.

You in?

Let's go!

✨ New Features

  • Moved all our API endpoints to Fern for better documentation  #152
  • Added Pipedrive support - lead, company, contact, deal  #168
  • Added workspace name on integration dashboard  #188
  • Implemented associations for more Standard Objects #187
  • Encrypt pii data #203

⚒️ Enhancements

  • Setup argonaut workflow: push to deploy #171
  • Optimised prisma queries #172
  • Updated docs with better explanations #174
  • Added db backup scripts #177
  • Added allowlist on rate limiter #178
  • Updated Webhook consumer and docs #179
  • Updated readme #183
  • Added GitHub action to build js sdk and upload to S3 #184
  • Refactored unify function to ignore properties key when mapping additional fields #198

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed prisma query issue #172
  • Added trust proxy value on rate limiter #189
  • Removed associations from get response in fern docs #197
  • fix: ensured break statements are added  everywhere#167

🔄 Dependency Updates

  • Bumped dotenv from 16.0.3 to 16.3.1  #192
  • Bumped @sentry/react from 7.60.1 to 7.64.0 #191
  • Bumped jest and @types/jest #208
  • Bumped eslint-plugin-vue from 8.7.1 to 9.17.0 #194
  • Removed unused dependencies #210

Read the detailed release notes on our Github! ⭐