Revert: July Updates 💫

Revert: July Updates 💫
We now support Pipedrive! 

✨ New integrations, API environments and an updated website ✨

We have been busy shipping out features every week this July.

A couple of major updates include

  • Shiny new Pipedrive integration
  • API environments
  • Website 2.0

Pipedrive integration :

We now support Pipedrive as a part of our suite of CRM integrations. You can add Pipedrive integration for your users with just a click of a button with a secure managed OAuth flow which is reliable, and scalable.

API environments :

Test your integrations in a test or sandbox environment before pushing it to live/production environment. In the future, you will be able to create more environments for different teams if you need to.

Toggle between Development and Production environments

Welcome onboard Revert website 2.0 :

Ship integrations your customers need, Today!

Our website got a fresh coat of paint this month. You can now register and login to your Revert account directly from our website -

In addition to this, we have made a community on discord to help support our users. Join the conversation here -

Improvements and Fixes :

  • We added blurring and visibility controls on API keys
  • Improved developer experience for Typescript SDK
  • We fixed an issue which caused a client ID mismatch for certain customers
  • We improved our error messages on Webhook duplicates

More on this here -🌟

Don't forget to star our repo 🙂